N. Zachary Bedell, P.E.

Civil, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering

M.Eng., 2017 Coastal & Oceanographic Engineering; Univ. of Florida
B.S., 2014 Civil Engineering; Univ. of Florida

Mr. Bedell earned his Master’s degree in Coastal and Oceanographic Engineering under Dr. Arnoldo Valle-Levinson at the University of Florida. He also earned his Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering with honors from the University of Florida. As an Engineer in Training, Mr. Bedell has assisted with project design and management, field observations, data analysis, and modeling studies.

Since joining Olsen Associates, Inc. in 2017, Mr. Bedell has assisted senior engineers with the preparation of construction management and design, post-hurricane beach damage assessment, and physical monitoring reports of Hilton Head Island, South Carolina. He has also been involved in wave, longshore transport, and shoreline change modeling of Palm Beach County, Florida, as part of a feasibility study. Other, smaller, projects which he has been involved in generally include beach profile and shoreline morphological analysis and volume change. He has also been a presenter at the Florida Shore and Beach Preservation Association Technology Conference.

As a graduate student at the University of Florida, Mr. Bedell’s work involved applied data analysis techniques on Gulf of Mexico coral reef data to understand organism migration patterns and the viability of an upstream supplier reef. He actively participated with his research group by preparing instruments and attending field work. He also led the student COPRI chapter, as president, by planning student and faculty seminars and field trips.

Mr. Bedell is involved in the American Society of Civil Engineers and the Florida Shore and Beach Preservation Association.