The following list of publications can be sorted by Title, Author or Year. Select the arrow under "View" to download a PDF version.
Title | Authors | Year | Publication | View |
Computation of Large-Scale, Regional Sediment Budget Using Delft3D. | Howard, S. | 2010 | Proc. Beach Preservation Technology Conf 2010. FSBPA | |
Observations of Large-Scale Beach Cusps in the Florida Panhandle and Alabama | Browder A.E., and Reilly, W.L. | 2008 | Proc. Beach Preservation Technology Conf. 2008, Sarasota, FL. | |
Site-Specific Calibration of the SBEACH Model for a Southeast Florida Beach. | Creed, C.G. and W.L. Reilly | 2008 | Proc. Beach Preservation Technology Conf 2008. FSBPA | |
Alternative Computation of Dean’s Overfill Ratio | Bodge, K. | 2006 | J. Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering. ASCE. 132(2). March/Apr, il 2006 | |
Performance of Sand Bypassing At Canaveral Harbor, Florida; 1995-2002 | Bodge, K.R. and S. Howard | 2006 | Proc. 2002 Conference on Beach Preservation Technology. | |
Groins, headland, and cutting an Island in two in the Maldives | Bodge, K.R. and S. Howard | 2006 | Proc., 30th Int. Conf. on Coastal Engineering 2006; World Scientific Publishing Co. | |
The Impacts of Hurricane Ivan at Pensacola Beach, FL | Browder, A.E., and Norton, D., | 2005 | Shore & Beach, Vol. 73, No. 2-3, pp 61-66. | |
Hurricane Ivan’s Impacts on the Alabama Coast | Douglass, S.L., and Browder, A.E., | 2005 | Shore & Beach, Vol. 73, No. 2-3, pp 71-78. | |
Elbow Cay Beach Erosion Damage from Hurricane Floyd | Bodge, K. | 2004 | Bahamas Journal of Science. Volume 12, No. 1 | |
Beach Management Experience at Paradise Island | Bodge, K. | 2004 | Bahamas Journal of Science. Volume 12, No. 1 | |
Development of Wave Height Study Criteria. Review of Gulf-front Development Permit Applications, City of Gulf Shores, AL | Howard, S. | 2004 | Proc. Beach Preservation Technology Conf 2003. FSBPA | |
Morphological Changes at Nassau Sound, Northeast Florida, U.S.A. | Browder, A.E., and Hobensack, W.A. | 2003 | Proc. Beach Preservation Technology Conf. 2003, FSBPA. | |
Evaluation of Dredging Alternatives Using the ADCIRC Regional Circulation Model: St. Mary’s Entrance, FL/GA | Howard, S. | 2003 |
Evaluation of Dredging Alternatives Using the ADCIRC Regional Circulation | |
Design Aspects of Groins and Jetties | Bodge, K. | 2002 | Special Report on Advances in Coastal Structure Design. Amer. Soc. Of Civil Engineers | |
Beach Fill Construction using Seabed Rehandling Areas | Bodge, K. | 2002 | Proc., 28th Int. Conference on Coastal Engineering; ASCE. 3736-47 | |
The Pipeline of the East Coast? A look at Artificial Surfing Reefs | Howard, S. | 2002 | Proc. Beach Preservation Technology Conf 2002. FSBPA | |
Construction Slopes for Beach Nourishment Projects | Creed, C., K. Bodge, and C. Suter | 2000 | J. Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering. ASCE. 126(1). Jan/Feb 2000. | |
Monitoring and Comparison to Predictive Models of the Perdido Key Beach Nourishment Project, FL, USA | Browder, A.E., and Dean, R.G., | 2000 | Coastal Engineering, 39, pp 173-191, Elsevier Science, B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands. | |
The Empirical Simulation Technique in Predicting Storm-Induced Beach Damage | Howard, S. and Creed, C. | 2000 | Proc. Beach Preservation Technology Conf 2000. FSBPA | |
Inlet Impacts and Families of Solutions for Inlet Sediment Budgets | Bodge, K. | 1999 | Proceedings, Coastal Sediments ’99. ASCE. July 1999 | |
Coastal Impacts of the Pensacola Pass Entrance, FL, USA | Browder, A.E., and Dean, R.G., | 1999 | Proc. Coastal Sediments 1999, Long Island, NY, ASCE. | |
Relocation of a tidal channel for shore stabilization and protection | Creed, C.G. and Olsen, E.J. | 1999 | Proc. Coastal Sediments 1999, Long Island, NY, ASCE | |
Beach Fill Stabilization with Tuned Structures: Experience in the southeastern USA and Caribbean. | Bodge, K | 1998 | Proc., Coastlines, Structures and Breakwaters ’98. Thomas Telford Publishing. London | |
The Ocean Ridge Shore Protection Project | Creed, C.G. and Olsen, E.J. | 1998 | Proceedings of the 1998 National Conference on Beach Preservation Technology, FSBPA, Tallahassee, FL. | |
Discussion: Simplified Dean’s Method for Beach-Fill Design | Bodge, K.R., and Browder, A.E., | 1997 | Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, V 122 (3), p. 301-302, ASCE, New York, NY. | |
Structual restoration of coral reefs damaged by vessel groundings | Bodge, K. | 1996 | Proc., 25th International Conference on coastal engineering. ASCE, pp 4261-73 | |
Improving Input Wave Data for Use with Shoreline Change Models | Bodge, K.; C. Creed, A. Raichle | 1996 | J. Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering | |
Performance of a Submerged Breakwater for Shore Protection | Browder, A.E., Dean, R.G., and Chen, R. | 1996 | Proc. 25th Int. Conf. on Coastal Engineering, ASCE. New York 1996. | |
Full Scale Monitoring Study of a Submerged Breakwater, Palm Beach, FL, U.S.A. | Dean, R.G., Chen, R., and Browder, A.E. | 1996 | Coastal Engineering, V 29, p. 291-315, Elsevier, Amsterdam | |
Modeling inlet sand bypassing | Creed, C.G. | 1996 | Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Coastal Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, NY. Presented in Orlando, FL, September, 1996. | |
Erosion Effects on Buried Offshore Pipelines | Howard, S. | 1996 | U.S.R.P., Vol. II. 1996. | |
Coral Reef Restoration Planning: A Decision Analysis Approach | Bodge, K., D.J. Sheehy, D. Finch | 1995 | Proc., 1995 Int'l. Conf. of the Soc. for Ecological Restoration, Seattle, Washington | |
Wave Transmission and Current Patterns Associated with Narrow Crested Submerged Breakwaters | Browder, A.E. | 1995 | Proc. Beach Preservation Technology Conf. 1995, FSBPA | |
The Extent of Inlet Impacts upon Adjacent Shorelines | Bodge, K. | 1994 | Proc., 24th Int. Conf. on Coastal Engineering, ASCE, Kobe, Japan; pp. 2943-2957 | |
Performance of Nearshore Berm Disposal at Port Canaveral, FL | Bodge, K. | 1994 | Proc., Dredging '94, ASCE Specialty Conference, Orlando, FL | |
Shore Protection Design Alternatives Downdrift of an Inlet | Olsen, E.J., Bodge, K.R., and Creed, C.G. | 1994 | Proc. Beach Preservation Technology '94, FSBPA. | |
Performance of an Interim Sand-Tightening Measure at an Inlet Jetty | Olsen, E.J., K. Bodge, C. Creed | 1994 | Proc., Beach Preservation Technology '94, FSBPA | |
Gross Transport Effects and Sand Management Strategy at Inlets | Bodge, K. | 1993 | J. Coastal Research, Special Issue No. 18 | |
Performance of Beach Nourishment at Hilton Head Island, South Carolina | Olsen, E.J., K. Bodge, C. Creed | 1993 | Proc., Eighth Symposium on Coastal and Ocean Management (Coastal Zone '93) | |
The Environmental Permitting of the Wreck | Olsen, E.J., K. Bodge | 1993 | The Mapel Leaf; An Extraordinary American Civil War Shipwreck. St. Johns Archaeological Expeditions, Inc., Jacksonville, FL | |
Representing Equilibrium Beach Profiles with an Exponential Expression | Bodge, K. | 1992 | J. Coastal Research, Vol. 8, No. 1, 47-55 | |
Beach Nourishment with Aragonite and Tuned Structures | Bodge, K. | 1992 | Proc., Coastal Engineering Practice '92, ASCE, Long Beach, CA.; 73-90 | |
Inopportune Timing of Oceanfront Structures | Bodge, K., R.J. Savage | 1992 | Proc., Beach Preservation Technology '92, FSBPA, St. Petersburg, FL | |
Equilibrium beach profiles with random seas | Creed, C.G., Dalrymple, R.A, Kriebel, D.L., and Kaihatu, J.M. | 1992 | Proceedings of the 23th International Conference on Coastal Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, NY. Presented in Venice, Italy, September, 1992. | |
Aragonite Beachfill at Fisher Island, Floridia | Olsen, E.J., K. Bodge | 1992 | Shore and Beach, Vol. 60, No. 1, pp. 3-8 | |
Damage Benefits and Cost Sharing for Shore Protection Projects | Bodge, K. | 1991 | Shore and Beach, Vol. 59, No. 2, 11-18 | |
Critical Examination of Longshore Transport Rate Magnitude | Bodge, K.; N.C. Kraus | 1991 | Proc., Coastal Sediments '91, ASCE, Seattle, WA; pp. 139-153 | |
The Use of Aragonite as an Alternate Source of Beach Fill in Southeast Florida | Erik J. Olsen, Kevin R. Bodge | 1991 | Proc., Coastal Sediments '91, ASCE, Seattle, WA; pp. 2130-2144 | |
Predicting Damage Benefits of Shore Protection Projects | Bodge, K. | 1990 | Proc., 22nd Int. Conf. on Coastal Engineering; ASCE, Delft, The Netherlands; July, 1990 | |
Refraction Analysis for Predicting Shoreline Response | Bodge, K. | 1990 | Proc., Beach Preservation Technology Conf. 1990; FSBPA | |
A Literature Review of the Distribution of Longshore Sediment Transport Across the Surf Zone | Bodge, K. | 1989 | J. Coastal Research, Vol. 5 (2), 307-328 | |
Try a Trick to Find a Reciprocal | Bodge, K. | 1989 | SAIL, Vol. 20, No. 3, Sail Publications, 45-46 | |
Deep Navigation Channels and Local Shoreline Erosion | Bodge, K. | 1989 | Proc., Beach Preservation Tech. Conference 1989, FSBPA | |
Storm Surge and Wave Damage along Florida's Gulf Coast from Hurricane Elena | Bodge, K.; D.L. Kriebel | 1989 | Proc., Ann. Conf., Fla. Shore & Beach Preservation Assn., pp. 156-177 | |
Navarre Navigation Project: Designing an Inlet for No Net Impact to Adjacent Shorelines | Olsen, E.J., K. Bodge | 1989 | Coastal Zone '89, Charleston, S.C | |
Longshore Current and Transport Across Non-Singular Equilibrium Beach Profiles | Bodge, K. | 1988 | Proc., 21st Int. Conf. on Coastal Eng., ASCE, pp. 1396-1410 | |
Offshore Sand Sources for Beach Nourishment in Florida | Bodge, K. | 1988 | Proc., Beach Preservation Technology Conf. 1998; FSBPA | |
Short-Term Impoundment of Longshore Sediment Transport | Bodge, K. | 1987 | U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Coastal Eng. Research Center, Misc. Paper CERC-87-7, 345 pp | |
Short-Term Impoundment of Longshore Sediment Transport | Bodge, K. | 1986 | Ph D. Dissertation, University of Florida; Gainesville, FL | |
The Design, Development, and Evaluation of a Differential Pressure Gauge Directional Wave Monitor | Bodge, K. | 1982 | U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Coastal Eng. Research Center, Misc. Rpt. 82-11, 226 pp. |